Monday, January 16, 2006

New Years' Visits

One way Mali is different from America is the levels of bureaucracy. Another is that official visiits are very very important.
So after New Years, the drama team told me it was important to go to all the local officials' homes and greet them, and wish them the best for the New Year.
So Sunday we did 7 visits. I only have pictures of 5 of them here.
The commisar of the police, and the commandant of the gendarmes aren't in here.
(You never take pics of gendarmes...)
It was an education in how to receive visitors, and interesting to meet the officials. I knew some of them already, having helped them with computer stuff.

Here are the pics...

The Judge of Kadiolo

The Mayor of Kadiolo

The Postmaster of Kadiolo

The Prefet (County Governer?)

The President of the businessman's association in Kadiolo

Whats the point of these visits? These visits were made in order to keep a good relationship with these men who are important, each in their respective responsibilities. They know us, they have a better relationship with the Radio station, and the church and the drama team because of these visits. They understand that we are productive members of society, and that we are a group who are interested in the communities' greater good. These things all count strongly toward pre-evangelism. Next time we need permission to do an open air campaign or to build etc, these men are the ones who have the authority to say yes or no. Now they know us, and a bit of our mission.

This next picture is a visit from the Youth group to Lisa. Sunday morning Lisa got up to give a prayer request for her mom. Lisa's mom has been undergoing treatment for cancer. Treatment seems to be going well, and we thank God for that. But it has been difficult for both Lisa and her mom that Lisa isn't closer during this time in her mom's life. So Lisa gave her request. Sometimes you are doing just fine, then stand up to give a request, and tears flow. That happened to Lisa. The youth were very concerned, and came over after church to pray for Lisa, and encourage her.
It is nice to have the local church minister to your needs as well.

We thank the Lord for how He is guiding this ministry in Kadiolo.
We are so thankful for the team we are working with, the ones you see here in these pictures are key people we are in ministry together with. So many of these we knew in Cote D'Ivoire, and are now able to pick up our relationships like we never left off. We thank God for these dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

I'm in Bamako right now working on getting our container liberated from customs.
Please pray that the process will go smoothly. And that we can return to Kadiolo with the container's contents in tow...

Thanks for your interest, and prayers,