Seward Family
Here is a couple of pics of Caleb. He was a bit active in the house the other day, and ran into a door. (Why dont we run in the house?) Anyway, he came running into the kitchen with his eye banged up, "I'm blind, I'm blind!" No he wasn't. Thankfully, his little cut didn't even require stitches.
I also heard from Hilary's dorm mom in Dakar today. She said that Hilary was a bit under the weathertoday. Pray for Hilary this week as she is trying to get back to normal in her body, and get a good start on school as well.
Lisa is having a fairly good start at school this year, but only because she is using the end of last years' curriculum. Our new curriculum has not yet arrived. It is coming by the slow boat, apparantly. Please pray for it to arrive sooner rather than later.
Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa Seward
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