November trip
Mom H, Lisa, Mom & Dad Seward
Lisa took a trip in November to drive her mom to Florida. Her mom had a lot of health issues this summer, 3 trips to the hospital. But praise the Lord, she is quite healthy and doing well today. So Lisa drove her down to Florida for her winter migration, and flew back. While they were down there, they visited Tom's parents.
Walt & Joy Seward.
They also visited Lisa's brother Steve, and his wife Mary.
We continue to serve at our church in Wheaton, IL. We're seeing good progress in our work with the Wave. (The junior high ministry.) We are also involved in speaking frequently, and sharing about the ministry in Africa. If you think your Sunday School class or Bible Study or Small group would like to hear from us, please contact us.
We'd love to work you in our schedule.
Thanks for praying for us,
Tom & Lisa
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