Thursday, February 02, 2006

Evangelism Campaign Jan 06

Last night we participated in/hosted an evangelism team from Cote d'Ivoire.
They came ready to sing and preach. We had them set up right in front of our study room at the bus station. Lots of people come in Wednesday night because Thursday is market day, and they want to be ready to buy and sell.

This kind of thing always goes late but is fun to be a part of. The team went out all morning door to door inviting people in town to come out and hear the gospel. The CMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance) church in town partnered with our church, and both churches had a big turnout. The crowd was amazing; a lot of people, so many that my night pictures had spots on them. The spots are dust particles that were kicked up by the crowd, and then responded to the camera's flash.
Here is a pic of the crowd last night.

Here is a pic of Hilary with some of the youth group girls

Lisa got to participate more than expected. They asked her to sing; so she recruited Joannie, and two short term girls who are visiting for a while.
They did "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." Then our youth came alongside, and sang it again in French and Bambara. (Its something they've been working on for awhile.) Also, you can't have evangelism without dancing. As the teams sing the praise songs, the Christians dance to show their joy and pleasure in those songs.
So Lisa got into it again with the ladies.

Here is a pic of Hilary with some of our silly girls. They had a good time together, but the girls couldn't get Hilary to dance with them. :-)

I was asked to project the Jesus film. I had everything setup, and was all ready.
They had sung and danced for about an hour and a half. Pastor 1 preached, Pastor 2 preached. They had an altar call, about 4-5 responded. Then they had an altar call again, about 4 more responded. Then about 15 moslem kids responded, (they thought there was money...).
Then they told me it was time for the film. So I get ready to project, and my power strip for the 110 projector died. So instead of miming the movie myself, I said that the movie was off, and that I would do it tonight instead.

We are thankful for the 7-9 people who responded seriously last night. We pray that the faith they acted on in response to Gods' Word would take root in their lives. We pray that they take part in one of our local churches, either our church or the CMA church.

Thanks for praying and giving. This makes it possible for us to be here to help with events like this one!
God Bless,
Tom & Lisa Seward