Sunday, May 21, 2006


Do you ever feel like this? I don't want a bath!!
Sometimes God tries to clean up an area of our lives, or is just working on an ongoing project in your life (like patience...)
And we respond with the same response as this kid in the picture!
"I don't wanna bath!!"
I felt like this a bit this week. Too many things broken or not working at once.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed with honey-do jobs in the new house.
For example. The two toilets don't refill to flush. Water pipes to both of them leak. So I'm working on the leaks, trying to stop them. One of the pipes breaks.
The water from the water filter tastes soapy, so we decide we need to get drinking water from the old house.
The guardian is pulling water out of the well by hand, and putting it in a barrel where a small pump lifts the water up the tower to feed all the water needs in the house. But the rope breaks on the bucket, the bucket falls into the well. 18-19 yards down.
So I decide to use the van to get the drinking water at the same time as a rope to reach the bucket in the well, and get it back out again.
The van won't start. Battery is worn out.
Well, you can see how all this may have made me feel.
Maybe God allowed these things in my life that day to be like a soap scrub on my patience. Maybe I was just yelling back at Him "I don't wanna bath!!"

Sunday School

Today was church. I was helping at Sunday School. The message was about Christ's
wisdom. The lesson was how when He was 12 and being left behind in Jerusalem, but his wisdom was shown among the pharisees in the temple. I was amazed at the ability of these kids to learn their verses. The theme verse for this segment they are doing on wisdom is Proverbs 3:13-18 "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace."

When I am saying "I don't wanna bath!" I am rejecting Gods wisdom in my life. I am
turning away the gift of wisdom that is more precious than rubies, more profitable than silver, and yields more than gold.

Thanks for stopping by & God Bless,
Tom & Lisa Seward