Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hello again everyone!
We're pleased to bring you some new snapshots of this last week.
We wanted to present you with a pic of the scorpion we found at our new house this week. Lisa captured him in a jam jar. He wasn't very big, but was one of the extremely painful ones. But we couldn't put his picture in because out of 7 pictures, not one turned out. We had guests come up from Cote D'Ivoire this week to stay at the guest house, It turns out they only stayed one night because they found a scorpion, too. Rather it found them. One of the party was bitten, and
couldn't sleep all night, so they went back to the hospital in the morning. Hot season is scorpion season apparantly. Fun.

Here is a pic of Lisa's new hobby. She is varnishing all the furniture that we brought up from Cote D'Ivoire. It all looks so much better now, and will be helpful for when we move into the new house and use it. The new house is coming along. I had our mason, Moussa put in two extra windows this week. The kitchen and the room that will be my office are corner rooms, and we put in a second window in each to have a
nice cross breeze. It will help these rooms be a little cooler...
While I was doing that I measured the door. It is 10 cm too small to bring our fridge through, and at least 20 cm too small for our couch to come through. I'm glad we realised that now. I'm going to have to order a new door, and ask Moussa to knock out more bricks to fit it into. Each of these projects brings us closer to
moving into our new place...

Here is a pic of fresh fruit. Girls are always coming to our gate to sell fruit. These girls have fresh mangos. They cost about 5 cents each. If you like mango, its a real bargain. :-)

Here is a pic of Ben and Calebs friends. They were all playing a bit of soccer this morning before church. These kids play nicely for the most part, and the kids are doing well with their language as a result. You should hear Caleb in french these days! One of these kids, Yaya, has been coming to Sunday School with us for about 6 weeks now. Some of the other kids would come but their parents will beat them if they find out about it. Yaya himself was in trouble the first couple of Sundays, but seems to be okay now. Today he prayed to accept Christ. Pray for him, a
young boy about 10 years old, that his faith would grow, and that he would be nourished at church.. And that his parents will continue to let him come after his announcement...

This last pic is Lisa singing at church. Joannie doesn't like to sing in front of the crowd, but she did sing along as long as it was Lisa singing into the mic. "Si tu aimer le seigneur, bat les mains!"