Monday, June 26, 2006

Family Pics

Time for some of our kids' pics.
Here is Hilary, Ben and Caleb.
Hilary made two wonderful sweet bread loaves for supper last night.
Ben & Caleb helped with glazing.

Our kids are doing well. This last week was hard for everyone, as we were passing around flu. (it was a short lived 24 hr variety for most of us...)
Caleb was last, sick all Saturday evening, and Saturday night.

Hilary is getting ready for high school in Dakar. 9th grade! Where does that time go? We're sure she is going to do well, although it will take lots of adjustment for her to be in the new school environment....
She's looking forward to some of the good things about Dakar.
Subway, Pizza Hut, for food, High speed internet so that she can resume her website/blog... Seeing old friends and making lots of new ones...

Thanks for praying for our kids ongoing adjustment/acclamation to life in Mali.
Caleb is leaping along in french. Both he and Ben are learning bits of Bambara as well...

Thanks for stopping by....