Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hello from Tom and Caleb

Hello. It is the end of January.
Sorry, I've had a difficult time uploading the blog.
Since Mid-December our internet connection has been very slow, and difficult to work with.
Even email takes 10-11 dialups because the connection gets lost so much.

As you may know, Lisa and Ben were whisked off to America for Mel Holsteens funeral.
She went to encourage her mom, and from all reports, mission accomplished.
Please do pray for Valerie Holsteen as she has a lot of transitions to work through this next year.

Caleb, and I hosted Hilary who came back from Dakar for Christmas break.
We had a good time, and Hilary got to start driving lessons.
Stick shift at that. She did quite well.

Now Hilary is back at school. Lisa and Ben were able to make Dakar a stop on their trip.
So Ben got to see the school there for the first time, and They didn't have to miss Hilary's visit completely.

So now tomorrow, Caleb and I drive to Sikasso to meet Lisa and Ben as they come down on the bus from
Bamako. I'm sure Lisa and Ben feel like they've been on the Amazing Race, as we drove to Bamako, put them on a plane to Dakar, Paris, then to Detroit, They spent a while in Michigan, then drove her mom to Florida,
Got a plane from Florida to Detroit to Paris, to Dakar, and then to Bamako to ride a bus to Sikasso to come home. Whirlwind tour, eh?

Caleb and I have done well, but are ready to be back in a whole family again. Caleb is ready for a steady playmate again. I'm ready to give up the mom roles that I had to take over...

Here is a pic of Caleb when we were up in Koutiala when Hilary left for Dakar earlier on.

Here is a pic of the drama team. They are such an encouragement to us, and helped as much as they could while Lisa was gone. Freddy's wife even brought over Cabato for us to eat one night. (Pounded corn dumplings.)
She also helped us with salad and attieke another time.

We thank God for bringing Lisa and Ben back to us, and are ready to be whole again. :-)
God Bless,