Saturday, March 08, 2008

Computer Class

Look at the pretty ladies!
The women were so excited to find out we have a church who wants to help them do womens' camp this year. Of all our years out here, this one is maybe the most difficult one financially for a lot of them. We spoke to several who would not be going without our help. (And even with the help, may not be able to afford the required $4 co-payment.) So some of them will have to receive extra help. But we're going to be able to help as many as 40 go this year. So that is very exciting. So ladies from our church, our village churches, as well as our "sister" church in town will all be able to go.. Thanks to a Las Vegas church who were interested in helping women's ministries.

Computer Class

This is another satelite ministry going on. A local business school hooked up with Ernie to do computer training. So we have their class, about 60+ kids, come to the church to be taught windows and word and excel basics on a projected screen. It does seem like an inefficient way for them to learn, but without the projector, they have to look at 1 monitor.... Hopefully many of them can learn, and enter the computer world. Anyway it is another way to meet students we wouldn't otherwise meet, and begin to make relationships that can lead some to Christ.

Also, this is hot season. If you were going to buy your ticket to visit us, March & April wouldn't be the most comfortable months to come. Although apparantly, snow has hit hard again in US. My Canadian friends talk about -37 C. So maybe a little heat would be okay. We have a little heat. 102-111 afternoons. Heats up by 10 am. Evenings are still okay, but eventually you sweat all night too...
Yep, Mali is the life!! :-) Please send us a little snow?? I keep telling our african friends that I'm praying for 5 cm. Just enough to cover the ground. They keep saying they will die.

Thanks for stopping by, We are encouraged by your prayers & interest!
Tom & Lisa Seward

PS... Lisa and I are on facebook. If you're on facebook, and we haven't contacted you yet. Sorry. Hit us up and invite us to be your facebook friend!