Thursday, March 27, 2008

The more complete story of Lisa's recent bout with malaria

Hi. We've had an interesting last two weeks. Lisa was sick. We treated her for malaria. She took her 5 day treatment, but still feverish, weak. So called the doctor in Kadiolo. He listened to her airways, and said she had a bronchial infection, so prescribed her antibiotic. Her passageways cleared over a 4 day treatment... But fever still persisted. By this time Lisa is getting dehydrated. So doc put her on IVs and added another anti malaria treatment in case the first one didn't get it all. Lisa weakens, had a bad night. We called the doc in the morning, and he said to evacuate to Bamako where there is better lab access. So our colleague, Tom Requadt drove us all to Bamako. We had to be ready in case we needed to leave Mali for treatment.
Lisa was admitted to the hospital. Clinique Louis Pasteur. This place really has taken good care of Lisa. They gave her an injection series against malaria because her fever was still spiking. They declared that her airways were clear. And they began an agressive IV treatment to rehydrate her. So it is now Thursday. Malaria treatment is done. They've discovered water in her lungs, probably the source of this fever... So while her airways are clear, her lungs were drowning a bit... So she has a new anti biotic treatment going, and hopefully, she'll be good as new. It does not look like we will have to be evacuated from Mali, thankfully.

Here is a pic from Lisa from a few months ago.
As you can imagine, I couldn't get a good pic this week.
She was too sick to shoot. :-)

We really felt an outpouring of love and prayers from so many of you this past week. Email, facebook and skype really helped us feel closer to all of you. And the mission community here in Bamako really reached out to us. Wycliffe missionaries invited Ben and Caleb to take part of their conference kids' program this week. And when there was no more guest house room in Bamako, a GMU/Avant couple opened their home to us. We thank the Lord for all of you.
Sometimes circumstances need to beyond your control to enable you to stop, and accept love and care from others.... Phone calls and text messages from christians in Kadiolo have not stopped.

Also, this week is womens' conference. They started on Monday. Lisa was supposed to go with Emily. Emily did go, and we had 42 women who went. This is the women's ministry high light of the year. Pray that these women learn from camp. There will be many sessions. Many of these ladies can now follow along in their Bibles in the sessions.
Here is a pic from last year when Lisa & the kids made necklaces for their moms...

Thanks for praying and for stopping by. We really felt your prayers this week.
God Bless