Setback or Blessing?
We finally had our appointment with the surgeon yesterday. We went in
expecting to chat some, and schedule cochlear implant surgery.
To our surprise, he was again very pre-occupied with the source of her
deafness... And after asking a lot of background questions, began to
test her for balance/motor skills. He looked at the CAD Scan that was
done, and did not notice cochlear damage.
So he is now thinking it may be nerve damage instead or something
pressing on the nerve. So he ordered another MRI of those nerve areas to
see if some object/thing/clot/tumor/bicycle ;D may be pinching the nerve
somehow... (He did not say the word tumor, but 1+1= ___)
He did say that if something was pinching/pressing the nerve and could
be removed maybe the ch surgery won't be necessary at all..OR the MRI will be clear, in which case, we move ahead on scheduling the surgery... So while it was annoying not to be moving ahead faster, it is a wise move on his part to check out this possibility first.
So that is how we stand today...As Lisa is fond of saying now..
"Hurry up and wait!"
Here is a pic of her in the doc's office before the appointment!
By the way... She welcomes all chat friends.. so if you want to be her friend
on facebook, and chat. Or skype or another way... Please contact and do
so... The internet has been so so helpful to her to express herself
well, and be in contact with old friends and new friends. She has found
a great support group online as well.
Thanks for praying for us
Tom & Lisa
PS. Hilary flies tomorrow from Dakar to NY to Detroit.Someone from her school in Dakar will be on that flight, so that is a blessing. We're
thankful how God is able to take care of details like that... :D
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