Emily back in Kadiolo
Please pray for Emily. She came out to Kadiolo in November 2007. She came to work with women's ministries, and has been living in an african courtyard. (This pic is her with some of the kids that she lives with...) She has been learning bambara in this situation. Total immersion is good for learning, and she has come a long way. She has been very courageous, and we are proud of her.
But we did not plan for us to be gone for a few months, even possibly the summer while she stayed to work.
We may have counselled another short termer to cut their time short and go home, but Emily is so capable.
She is still there, and is moving from language study phase to beginning to teach community health with local women phase.
1. Pray for her. She needs students who are willing to learn.
2. Pray that God would give her the contacts she needs, and that many would be non-churched ladies who would be willing to learn.
3. Pray for her stamina, that she would be able to continue to do well in spite of the situation.
4. pray for a good partner to join her who would be able to teach and translate alongside Emily. This would have two positives. That person would help Emily communicate, and that person would be trained a bit to teach on community health issues as well.
5. Pray for a video project. Emily has an idea that maybe the drama team could do some short skits that teach on some of these community health issues. If they could be videotaped, they could be used for some time to come...
As you see, the work in Mali does not stop with us being gone. We are thankful for Skype that allows us to keep good contact with those on the field... :-)
Thanks for stopping by...
Tom & Lisa
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