More friends.
Hi. Sunday we shared a nice cookout with long time prayers and supporters, the Wesoleks. They had also invited our new friends, the Rileys. Ben & their son Josh have really hit it off.
We have really been enjoying our chance to re-connect with our friends at South Baptist church, croquet and all.. :D
This week, Gord and Carole are here as well. We fall into the same space on the planet's surface so rarely that we treasure our chances to talk and encourage one another...
Lisa is doing fairly well. She is so encouraged that the surgery is scheduled and there is an end in sight...
Hilary flies back to Africa on August 11th. So soon. Pray for her...
Thanks for stopping by, Tom & Lisa
Beware: If we get the chance, we'll take a picture with you, and post you on this blog as well. :D
We want to acknowledge you who have been so faithful as family, friends, supporters, and prayer warriors!
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