Friday, February 03, 2006

Second day of Evangelism Campaign.

Second day of Evangelism Campaign.
We had a lot more people last night.
Our evangelist estimated 1500 in the audience. I would say we were over 1000 people, but maybe not more than 1200. It was amazing, it was advertised that we were showing a film on a big screen. We showed the Jesus film in Bambara. Everyone could hear Jesus speaking in their own language.
While some of these people had seen the film before, few had seen it on a big screen.
The impact of watching Jesus heal the sleeping daughter, raise the son from the dead, and his other miracles is astonishing.

Here is a pic of me in front of the screen we had set up.
I'm using the projector that South Church in Lansing helped us to buy.

Here is a pic of the crowd that came last night. (the light bubbles in the picture are dust particles reacting to the flash of the camera.)

Here is a pic of the singers who preceded the film. The girl singing in the foreground is Sarah. She is a friend we knew back in Cote D'Ivoire, and is a key player on the Jula Drama Team.
Singing and dancing is a great way to say "Hey! come look at what is going on!"

More people came forward again to give their lives to Christ. We pray that those decisions are ones that are serious, and that the church will be able to follow up the new contacts! We are grateful to God that He still does the greatest miracle of all- changing hearts and minds.

God Bless,
Tom & Lisa