Friday, May 04, 2007


Hello friends.

This last two weeks I've not been able to do the blog. Internet has been difficult once again, and I was also very involved with computer viruses. The radio station, was very infected.
5 computers. by the time I had finished with theirs, I had to do anti virus on ours as well.
(You get paranoid about viruses after dealing with them on other people's computers.)
Well the anti virus blocked my email program.So I was stuck there for a while.
But all is better now...

Ethnomusicology. Pastor Youssouf hosted an enthnomusicology Seminar for 3 regions. It was a great time of fellowship, and creative songwriting for these three groups of believers.Songwriting was in Senoufo languages, each church went home with new songs to sing in their local language! Exciting! As a bonus, this year, they filmed music videos. Pastor Youssouf had the idea that when we show a film for evangelism, many times the people come late, and miss the beginning of the film. His idea is to play these music videos, the people will come, hearing the music, and the word of God, and be ready for the evangelistic film on time. Good Idea. Music videos are a huge part of West African culture. True, we only have one TV channel in Mali, but I would say 80% of programming is music videos, all day long. Now my 80% number is not scientifically surveyed. But at any given moment you can turn on the tv,and find music videos! Morning, noon, night, etc...So here is a pic of those who came to the ethnomusicology camp! Note the everpresent Balafones, they are integral to Senoufo music!Pastor Youssouf is in Blue in the center of the group.

Three of our village pastors are here as well, including Pastor Mamadou from Fourou!One man (a balafonist) came to Christ because he was invited to come play in the ethnomusic camp a couple of years ago. He lives in Zegua, about 14 Km away. He is a strong believer now, and is involved in the one church in his town, an Assembly of God church. He was so happy about the music camp, he invited himself and his wife to come and play and sing!
Here is another story from the music camp. Bintu, on Lisa's left in the picture, is a believer who was sick in her village for most of last year. Lisa accompanied the womens' group to visit and pray for her a few weeks ago. Here she is now, participating in camp with her church group, praising God for renewed health!

Pray with us that God would use these songs to call people to faith in Christ!
Here is another pic. We've been pleased with how our kids have made friends locally. It is not easy, but after several tries, God has helped our boys make some good african friends. Eddie is Ben's friend, he is from a family from our church. Eddie and Ben are together a lot when they're not in school. Eddie's brother Stephan is a good friend of Caleb's as well.

Thanks for stopping by!Tom & Lisa Seward