Friends visit
Friends visit: Our friends Timothy and Liz C. came down from Bamako to visit last weekend. They spent 3 days with us. We enjoyed lots of time together.
They are with Worldventure as well, but work in Bamako. They are teachers/administrators of a Christian school there. Their family was the one that first met us at the airport, back in 1996 when we first arrived in Cote D'Ivoire, Hilary and their daughter have been good friends ever since. Ben and their son Gabe, enjoy each other as well.
So here are a few pics of dinnertimes, and of course, a waterfall visit! This time I had bought a couple of truck inner tubes. So the kids decided that tubing down the river stream would be fun.
It was... until the leeches... (Oh well, leeches aren't permanent, right?)
It is always encouraging to share time together with friends who go through some of the same cultural struggles that you do.
We laugh and ask questions. "So what did the policeman say when you said your seatbelt was actually on, until he stopped you, and you got out of the car?"
"What do you use that fruit for?"
Our Kadiolo is a bit more rough than Bamako, so the C kids were comparing.
"Your sink doesn't work right?" "You have an outside toilet?"
"The last time you saw a snake was when.....??"
We took them to the marche, and the market in Kadiolo is like the market in Bamako in many ways, but there are different things available here, and prices on things can actually be lower.
Someone visited and asked "So, is your house nice yet?"
We laughed. "NO, our house is not NICE. But we are comfortable, and enjoy living and ministring in Kadiolo. But Nice is not how you'd describe our house. Functional maybe... Sinks are working mostly, and the washing machine works, and the 2 flush toilets work usually. (Parts break often.) If they both are out of commission, there is always the outside one. :-)
If/When you come to visit, you can see the market, and our living situation.
we'll take you out to the waterfall as well.
Thanks for visiting!
Tom & Lisa Seward