Tom's Medical evacuation from Mali
This is a picture of Tom convalescing in Bamako with mosquito net handy...
Wow.. I just looked back at the last blog post. I'm amazing it was so long ago.
We have been through a trial by pain and fire since then. And the journey continues.
We probably are remiss because we've not been keeping you up to date on Tom's medical status...
We really have gone through a bad passage, but were encouraged (even today) as we are seeing forward progress.
Both of Toms' knees were really in pain, so for the last week, Tom has needed a walker to get up for short trips... We've been in Bamako seeking treatment. Today... with his right knee 90% back to normal, he was able to walk with a cane, and we went to see the doctor.
Ernie Eadelman arrived on Sunday, and was a bit shocked to see the status of Tom's health... even though we (Tom & Lisa) were pleased with the improvements..
We made the doctor appointment for today, and had decided together with Ernie that while we had considered evacuation, we felt like my health was improving well, and we would hear the doctor's counsel before deciding to leave. We (Tom & Lisa really feel like ministry is at a key point in kadiolo, and are very reluctant to leave unnecessarily.)
Anyway...we saw the doctor... and she took a look at the summary paper Lisa had prepared for her.
She said that Tom really needs more testing than she can do. She says there are many possible reasons that could present Tom's symptoms and she is unwilling to prescribe any more treatment until such diagnoses can be made.
She is recommending a muscle biopsy and an intestinal biopsy for celiac... for starters...
But she says it could be something different that we don't see.
The good news is that Tom has lost a lot of weight and his blood pressure was 110/80 today.... low record for him.....
So we're writing to say that we are following doctors' orders to prepare to evacuate to the USA.
We're not sure if the testing period would be 3 months, 6 months or longer...
We've mixed feelings about leaving the ministry in Kadiolo right now... but we have to put our faith in God, and understand that He has our best at heart.
At this time our options are to go towards Lansing, Mi or Wheaton, Il... (there is a celiac clinic at university of Chicago, but Lisa did not find a simular clinic in the Lansing area..) So we're thinking Wheaton for now...
We'll have to see if maybe someone in the church would be willing to host us for a time there.
Ok... So it is now February 14th, We've arrived in Chicago where our FBC church family is really taking care of us. One family has opened their home in a very kind way. We now begin the process of finding a doctor who can do the testing that our doctor in bamako ordered, and hopefully we'll find some answers so we can move ahead towards better health and less pain.
Thank you so much for praying for us.
God has been so faithful. He provided a business class ticket for Tom for the evacuation. Tom says he didn't need the filet mignon and the other bells and whistles that come with business class, but the seating was exactly what he needed to protect his sore knee joints for the trip. The seats on both flights reclined in such a way that he made the trip with less pain than he'd been feeling for days... Praise the Lord for his provision.
Lisa and Caleb also flew back and are here in Chicago. God made their trip uneventful and easy, as well.
Except for 2 lost suitcases, which we hope will be delivered to our guest home here in Wheaton.
Well, that is the update. I guess the conclusion is this: People don't want to be missionaries to places like africa, because they are scared of this kind of health situation happening. But we are here to witness that God is able, and faithful to take care of all our needs, and if He calls you to some remote part of the world, He does not abandon you there. He is there daily, paving the way, and taking care of us in ways we can't imagine ,but are his ways, so much more perfect than ours.
Praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercies are everlasting,
Tom & Lisa
Tom and Lisa work with Worldventure in Mali, West Africa. If you would like to donate online to help this ministry, click this link: If you would like to email comments, our email is:
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