Lisa again. Update
Hi. Everything I wrote yesterday is true. However, the doctor just told us that the blood test results came back yesterday, and that they immediately started treatment for Amoebas. This explains stomach upset and fever that wasn't going away with anti biotics. (Anti biotics work great on Bronchial infections, but don't kill amoebas so well.) If this is indeed the solution, the doc said she could become out patient on two conditions: 1. She can eat without being sick. 2. The fever is stable without IV meds. So to me this is good news. They'be been pinpointing her symptoms, and now this seems to have a good answer for all of them.
Can you imagine how sick she was? Malaria, bronchial infection turned to pneumonia, and Amoebic dyssentry. No wonder she got dehydrated so quickly, and no wonder it has been difficult to treat the many symptoms that all those sicknesses bring! Wow.
All is not done yet, but we seem to be on a good tack, now.
Praise the Lord!
Tom & Lisa
PS: Wanna come visit? We'd love to show you some great ways to get sick in Mali.
No, seriously, I'll restate that we have experienced such a healthy time this last 2.5 years in Mali. We've been a lot healthier than when we were in the Ivory Coast.
This sick spell has been tough for Lisa, but overall we've been healthier. All of us.
Thanks for stopping by! You have encouraged us so so much!
Tom & Lisa Seward
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