Monday, August 11, 2008

Comings and goings

Hilary left today!

Hi. We were all a bit sad to see Hilary get on her plane today at DET Airport. She flies to JFK in New York, then transfers to a plane to Dakar, Senegal for school.

She was able to check her bags right through, so Lord willing her trip will be more simplified than her arrival trip. It was such a joy to have her this summer, especially because we won't see her at all this year. But we are so proud of the young lady she is becoming. God is so good.

She was a bit sad to leave, not being able to be hear to see Lisa finally get her bionic ear, but she's very excited about getting back into school!

Gord and Carole come and go...

Gord and Carole visited as well. They had 3 filled days with us. You may not know that they are missionaries in East Africa with AIM. They've been in many countries. Currently they take teams in to give them an intense cultural and missions training. It was so nice to talk with them, about the differences and simularities in Africa. (In our respective experiences...)

It was actually a visit to them when Lisa was 16 that she said "HEY! I could do this! I could be a missionary in Africa." So years later when we were serious about overseas, she said... "let's do Africa." You know the best parts of the rest of that story by now... . :D

If you've not heard yet, Lisa has her surgery scheduled for September 10th. She is excited to have some movement going on...

She will be very excited to hear again. We'll have to video her activation... and put it on YouTUBE. The africans will be very excited to watch that part....

Thanks for praying, and for once again stopping by!

Tom & Lisa Seward