Ministry still going on...
Hi. We are in the US, awaiting September 10th for Lisa's surgery.
We are holding on ok, but anxious for her to have some hearing again.
Meanwhile, we are getting reports of ministry back in Mali!
Freddy reports... He said the youth camp this year was great, and that he is continuing on in the study room with 12 students who are advancing well. (Note that this is great for the summer months, as summer attendence drops off dramatically.)
Reports are still coming from the women's literacy group who meets at our house. They are continuing on as well.
Pastor Youssouf has gone to Ouaga for a 3 month training course from Wycliffe Bible Translators as he will be helping Karin to form a translation team for the Senoufo dialect Shanara.
He is very important to the work in Kadiolo and surrounding area, but we trust the training will be worth his absense as he comes back to take part of the tranlsation project.
Ernie & Jan E have arrived in Bamako, and then will be down in Kadiolo soon.
Also, Bear (a new appointee to Mali) is visiting Requadts in Fourou right now...
Pray for him as he sees firsthand how God wants to use him in southern Mali.
Also as he returns to America, and is working on raising support...
We appreciate so much how so many of you have said you're praying for us.
It does mean a lot to us...
A couple of things to pray for:
Ben & Caleb start school next monday. Two new public schools. We are optimistic, but there are a lot of transitions for our kids to do well in these new settings.
Hilary is back at Dakar. She is so happy to be there, pray that she can do well this year, educationally, spiritually, and socially. We are proud of her.
Lisa has surgery coming up. Pray for her and the healing process.
Tom- Pray for me. I need to be patient, and level headed as there are so many ways I need to step up in this situation.
Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa Seward
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