Alicia & the boys made a gingerbread house.
Alicia and Lisa did a new puzzle.
Caleb & Alica had a good time together.
Played in the snow, played chess, and of course Mario Kart...
This thanksgiving we have a lot to be thankful for, even though we had no idea in January that we'd be celebrating thanksgiving here in Michigan. All of our kids are doing well in their school situations. Lisa is recovering at a very good rate. We were able to celebrate this year with Alicia, our neice who was an MK in africa, but is now doing Biblical studies in Ohio.
We enjoyed turkey, stuffing, the whole hog.. :D
And we thank God for all of these blessings and more. He pours more that we can count!
Wish all of you could have been here with us...
Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa Seward
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