Nice visit with Muggs
As you may know, The Muggs were first colleagues of ours in Cote D'Ivoire, then were colleagues of us in Mali. They served in such a key role as business managers for us and our other colleagues. They served also in several creative ways in evangelistic ministries, in fact our study room model was partly inspired by their success with their marche study room.
Incedentally, they were on a trip from Colorado, all the way to Detroit, and stopped to have coffee with us on the way. They have a good car with a bad starter. So... where 2 or 3 missionaries are gathered, someone has to push their car!! So we pushed their car to get it started so they could get on their way... It really brought back Africa memories... :D
And we were well familiar with how to do a push start!
Anyway, pray for them as they are now in the USA, and seeking Gods' next step for them.
They will be GREATLY missed in Mali... But we know God will use their open and willing hearts wherever he puts them....
Btw- Countdown to Lisa's activation....
Thursday & Friday this week. Be in prayer as we see what we'll have as a starting point towards her hearing journey to regain full hearing again.
Thanks for sticking with us in prayer. Your visit today meant a lot to us... :D
Tom & Lisa
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