Colorado Part 2

Hi. We had an amazing time at WorldVenture HQ in Colorado. One week of debriefing time with other missionaries also home from their fields. Some we knew from before. Some we just met for the first time. But what a blessing it is to meet people who have shared those overseas experiences where you are the new guy, and don't understand the language or the customs of the local people. We really hit it off with these friends, from Uganda, Ireland, Russia, Romania, Pakistan, and Senegal, and of course, Cote D'Ivoire and Mali.

Us with our new friends Skip & Ruth
The second week we attended the WorldVenture Renewal conference. WorldVenture puts on this annual conference for Missionaries who are home. It is a time of teaching, renewal. This time really was for us as well. We really enjoyed the time.
We did not get enough pictures of us with our new friends. Sorry guys. But I was able to rob a few from here and there...
Update on our departure date. We plan to leave to return to Mali in June 09. That leaves just a few months before we go. (5 months, is it?).
We do have a bit of support to raise before we go. (It seems like there is always some we need to raise.) But God is good, and has supplied our needs so generously! And we are really grateful to partner with you, our partners. Thank you!! for you prayers and support. It means a lot!
Come out and visit! Our little town is an amazing sight!
Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa Seward
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