Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life back in Kadiolo

Our friends in Kadiolo sent pictures this week of the women's literacy ministry. These are m-lim women who approached us saying they wanted to learn to read, but their husbands would not allow them to learn at church. So they've been meeting at our house for about 2 years now.
They have continued all this year while we've been here in the US. Our teachers, Naomi and Mai have done a great job. We are so blessed to have capable, trustworthy people to continue with these ministries! We look forward to rejoining them, however. There are babies to hug!

Pray for this ministry as women are having a need met in furthering their learning. Pray that they would understand the gospel, and see Jesus modeled in Naomi and Mai.
Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hans' visit

Hans visited Kadiolo just this week. He sent us this picture last night.
It is our guard, Jonas with our neighbor, Bamba, and himself, and Ernie, all in front of our house.
It is nice to see them again. We're sorry we weren't there to host Hans, but are glad he was able to see the people there, and see our work firsthand.

Our time here in the US is drawing to a close, Lisa is really doing well with her hearing, so we are getting excited about going back.

We still have some support to raise, please pray with us that God would bring people who would be interested in partnering financially with all of us on this "team."

Thanks for stopping by today,
Tom & Lisa

Thursday, March 05, 2009

A neat story from the field

This picture is from her first visit to Ernie & Jan.
You can see she is quite sickly looking here.

Last month Ernie and Jan wrote and told us about a woman who had been sick for a long time. She accepted the Lord and her family turned her over to the Christians to see if they (or their God) can make her well.
They said if she gets well the whole family will accept the Christian's God. She came to visit them early one morning. She is so little and frail—but has a BIG smile. Her son and daughter-in-law had brought her in to the doctor so they stopped to see us on the way. It was really fun to see her. The latest news is that she is eating well, walking all over the village. The swelling in her hands is gone and she is a happy lady. Pray with us that God will continue to work in her family. They cannot help but realize that God has healed her. It is their turn to keep their promise to Him.

Pray for her. Her name is Ashita. Pray that she can continue to grow in her faith, and that the Lord will reward her desire to follow Him. Pray for her family that yes, indeed the family will be willing to hear more of Jesus, and follow Him.

It is stories of people like this that make Africa so compelling. God is working in Southern Mali amongst these Senufo people. It is so exciting to see Him rise to thise kind of challenge, and win people to Himself. I never get tired of these testimonies/stories.

Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa