Moving day African Style
Hi. I've been realising that looking for the perfect blog entry is not the thing to do. You want pictures and stories of life in Africa, not perfect stories every time. We've struggled the last couple of weeks with our car. First repairing it, then finding out it was not fixed, trying again, again finding it was not fixed. Or at least the problems multiplyed. So now looking to sell it.
We are excited about Dusty. He is coming this next week. He'll be here for 6 weeks or so. He is coming to see how God has made him for africa. We are praying that God will show him many ways that God has gifted him that work for people here in this culture.
Anyway, we're preparing his house for him. Dusty will be living with an African family, which will probably be the best part and the worst part of his stay here in Kadiolo.
Because our car isn't in good health, we hired 3 push-cart guys to do the move. It went well today, and after a little more work, Dusty's house will be ready for him.
If you are jealous of Dusty, and want to come spend a month with an african family too, write us, and come out! It would be fun to have you!
This last picture is from last Sunday. Pastor Youssouf's new baby was dedicated. The tradition here is that a baby dedication be accompanied by a food celebration. Here is Lisa brandishing a nice plate of meat & rice! Makes your mouth water, don't it? Maybe not, but it sure was tasty. And we were happy to celebrate the occasion!
Thanks for stopping by,
And thanks for praying for us.
Your prayers are so important!
Tom & Lisa
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