two video links
Hi. These two videos are from the 2 day celebration the church put on to honor our colleagues, the Eadelmans. They are retiring in October 2010, but this is their last week in Kadiolo. What fun the people had as they dancing late into the night both friday and saturday.
The actual recognition service was attended by the cheif of gendarmes, the prefet, and other important civil leaders. Our friends had touched a wide variety of people through service with computers. The gospel was so clearly presented today to these dignitaries, and they seemed to be listening!
This woman, Korotoumou is a celebrity amongst the Christian Senoufo people of Cote D'ivoire. She and her group are often requested to play for various celebrations... enough that it is hard to book her time. To your western ear, her voice may not be appealing. What is interesting is that she sings bible stories... Senoufo songs tend to be 10-20 min long, this lends itself to being able to sing bible stories.
This video is a 1 min sample of a song that (I think) recounts several of Jesus' miracles.
This video shows the joy of the people as they're enjoying the music. Our friend Cemogo... waves at the camera... Emily... thats' especially for you!
A lot of people also mentioned how dusty should be there to dance with them.... he made quite a name for himself at christmastime.... LOL
Thanks for stopping by today.
Thanks for praying... We are still struggling with power cuts. It is hard to keep from being depressed, and hard to stay at top effectiveness with that kind of thing going on..
Tom & Lisa Seward