Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lisa's cover debut.

Just wanted to say that Lisa's magasine article came out this month.
Hearing loss magasine is a nation wide magasine that is a resource and encouragement for people with hearing loss issues. They used Lisa as a cover story, and encouraged her to write her whole story.

We have just contacted HLA Magazine. They have graciously said we can have 100 copies.
So they'll be going out in the mail soon. Pray with us that God would use these for His glory.
And that people would be interested in joining with us via prayer, support, and by going themselves to serve in Mali.

Join us in thanking God again for what He's done with Lisa, and in our family. Pray with us that this article will open reader's hearts and reveal Himself to them.

Thanks for stopping by today,
Tom & Lisa