Busy late august & september activities
Busy Busy...
We left August 19th to drive Hilary to college. John Brown University in Arkansas. We had planned a large looping trip to see many dear friends, and share in churches. We left Michigan, travelling through Illinois, and Missouri to Arkansas, visiting friends in Okalahoma, travelling through Nebraska, visiting friends in South Dakota, visiting church groups and friends in Minnesota, then sharing in a church in North Dakota. then travelling through Saskatchewan, visiting family in Alberta, then back to visit friends in Saskachewan, then family in Manitoba...then travelling back to friends in Wisconsin, and on to Wheaton, Il, then home to Michigan. 6000+ miles in all. God was good. Our old van did the trip with ease, except for the idle pulley that broke... no brakes or power steering...oops... God provided a mechanic who fixed us up in 1 hrs time we were ready to travel again...
Hilary & her roomie Hannah in Arkansas
Visited our dear friends Don & Lynn in Oklahoma.
They have known and encouraged us since we were first married back in 1987.
Visiting Reiersons in South Dakota.
Stopped to visit Jessica and help her carry her baby on her back in Minnesota.
Lisa's college roomate, Tricia, and her husband Kent.
We had such a kindred spirits visit with them, and shared at their church in Minot, North Dakota.
Visited Tom's grandma (93 yrs young) in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Really enjoyed re-newing relationship with her and 3 Aunties...(Walt's younger sisters.)
Grandma did great playing dominoes with us... We didn't play the water version, though. :D
Visiting John & Ellen, long time family friends in Saskachewan.
Visiting Ann, our bubbliest family friend in Manitoba.
A large trip like this is daunting... so many miles to drive. But God knew what encouragements & blessings we would recieve and give as we visited so many good lifelong friends. We are so thankful for you... the people who God has put in our lives... Our plan is to get to your house at some point... it may not be before we get to Mali... But sooner or later, expect us to wander by... :D
Thank you for praying for us... We're in the last phase of getting ready to leave for Mali. We have many details to take care of. We have a little support left to find... But God is good, and He is willing and able to take care of all our needs according to His riches in glory, right? I'd way rather rely on Him than on me...
Serve Him today!
Tom & Lisa
Tom and Lisa work with Worldventure in Mali, West Africa. If you would like to donate online to help this ministry, click this link: http://worldventure.com/Give/Give-Now.html?id=4569 If you would like to email comments, our email is: tlseward@worldventure.com