Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Still in Bamako

We spent the morning at the pool yesterday with Nathan & Becky Kendall.
We both were involved at First Baptist church of Wheaton together.
They've been in Guinea, and we've been here in Mali. This is the first time we've crossed paths in Africa. So we've enjoyed their company here in Bamako.

Lisa finds that she doesn't need to hear to swim.. And thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Of course Ben & Caleb were up for a good swim, too. :-)

I enjoyed shade and a nice cold coke... :-)

We dont see any change in Lisa's hearing today. But her spirits are high. Better than mine. Although several of you have been able to talk to me via skype. Each one has been such an encouragement. And so so so many others have sent notes via email or face book or word of mouth to say you are praying.
It is humbling to have so many of you praying for us. I know you pray normally for us. But this experience seems to have made that more intense.. :-)

What a mighty God we serve, eh?

Thanks for stopping by!
Tom & Lisa Seward