Memorial Day Weekend
Hi. Don't have new news on Lisa until the 24th of June when we see the surgeon. But do continue to pray as we make decisions and deal with some of the ramifications of this obstacle...
We are still confident God is good, and peices are coming together in this puzzle, but it is not complete yet.
He has more to reveal, and we need to be patient to see each piece in its time...
Some big issues have already been "settled". I'm not able to go into detail, but I assure you we've been seeing Gods hand of love at work. :-)
Hilary flies to the US... (Dakar-NY-Detroit) Possibly all by herself... Would you send your 16 yr old daughter on a flight like that? Maybe not. We're confident Hilary can handle it, and are looking forward to seeing her up close! And hearing many many school stories... :-)
She will add some cuteness to our family again, too. (Oh Daddy....)
In the meantime we are being active in our local surroundings. These pics are from a bbq picnic today with friends from South Church. Apparantly they are rabid about croquet in Lansing. So we enjoyed some high competition croquet where I was not champion of one of the rounds, but won a t-shirt for 2nd place.
Very nice. We had a good time, and are getting to know a new batch of believers in another corner of the body of Christ.. I never tire of that... :-)
Here are some pics...
Thanks for praying and stopping by today.
Tom & Lisa