Sunday, February 15, 2009

Men of Faith?

Hi. We're gearing up for several church visits this spring before we go back to Africa. Next weekend will be FBC Wheaton's missions conference. Looking forward to seeing many friends there. We'll be having an open house Saturday the 21st from 2-4 at the blue house in front of the church if you want to stop by and see us.

Today I spoke to the Junior High sunday school here at South Baptist.

My theme was summarizing Hebrews 11. Who is a man of faith? What are myths about the men & women of faith in the Bible? Myth: they had no doubts. Myth: they found it all to be smooth sailing once they began to serve God. Myth: They had no weaknesses or faults.

Of course we know that is not true. The heroes of the Bible are men of faith, they are heroic. But they all have flaws, faults, doubts. And they all served in spite of diverse challenges and difficulties, many even to death. These guys having flaws encourages me. I am a guy with flaws and limitations. Seeing how God used guys like Abraham, Moses, Gideon, and others encourages me.

I talked to a friend this week who was discouraged about being a missionary because he saw so many others that he considered better equipped than himself. He felt like they had smaller flaws and less doubts than he does. So he was intimidated, even to the point of wondering whether he fits as a missionary. I encouraged him that to be a man of faith means to have faith, certainly, But also it means to act in obedience to God's call in your life. Each hero in Hebrews it states..

By faith ______ acted... in obedience. That is what made them heroes of the faith. In spite of flaws, etc. They obeyed. That means any of us can be a hero as well. By faith, ____ answered Gods call and went to a land far from his home... (That could be Abraham, or it could be Tom & Lisa Seward. Or you...)

I hope my friend was greatly encouraged at the end of our conversation. God knows each of us intimately. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. (By the way, to him our strengths can be weaknesses because we rely on them and not Him.)

God chose us for the tasks He's laid out for our lives! He knows us like no human resources person can!

So be encouraged, Step out in faith, and join the heroes of Hebrews 11.

Thanks for stopping by,

Tom & Lisa