Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

We pray you're having a blessed Christmas season with family. We pray that you enjoy it to the full, but remember who we're celebrating. Although myriads of "Santa Clause- be nice to your neighbor because its the spirit of Christmas" movies abound.... We're not celebrating that at all. We're celebrating JESUS. Christmas is the celebration of His choosing to come to earth the HARD WAY! Think about it... couldn't he have come with the finest clothes, finest transportation, finest entourage.... but He chose this way... humble, innocent, vulnerable.
He came as a baby, naturally birthed by a young woman touched by God's own hand. His birth was witnessed by people of extremely lowly status. (People we wouldn't invite to a worm wrestle... He invited to witness his birth..) His birth was witness by King-makers of VIP status...
And WHY did He do this? To die the HARD way to purchase for us an eternity with HIM. WOW.
It makes you look at how many times you choose to do things the easy way, doesn't it???
He didn't do things that way.... Hmmmmmmm

Something we can't do in Africa, going sledding on Christmas morning!

Hilary did two nice art pieces for Christmas presents... one for Grandma

One for Lisa...

Thanks for stopping by

Tom & Lisa

Tom and Lisa work with Worldventure in Mali, West Africa. If you would like to donate online to help this ministry, click this link: If you would like to email comments, our email is:

Friday, December 03, 2010

November trip

Mom H, Lisa, Mom & Dad Seward

Lisa took a trip in November to drive her mom to Florida. Her mom had a lot of health issues this summer, 3 trips to the hospital. But praise the Lord, she is quite healthy and doing well today. So Lisa drove her down to Florida for her winter migration, and flew back. While they were down there, they visited Tom's parents.
Walt & Joy Seward.

They also visited Lisa's brother Steve, and his wife Mary.

We continue to serve at our church in Wheaton, IL. We're seeing good progress in our work with the Wave. (The junior high ministry.) We are also involved in speaking frequently, and sharing about the ministry in Africa. If you think your Sunday School class or Bible Study or Small group would like to hear from us, please contact us.
We'd love to work you in our schedule.

Thanks for praying for us,
Tom & Lisa

If you would like to give online to support this ministry in Mali
Click here