Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wheaton visit

We had the privelege of going back to First Baptist of Wheaton to participate in their missions conference. Because there were so many people to see, and so little time, (We had to be back Monday for school for Ben & Caleb.) we decided to have an open house. Problem was, we were busy Saturday and Sunday with mission conference events. So we asked our friends the Frosts if they would help. Edna was only too happy to do lots of kitcheny yummies. That is a specialty of ours. Shirly W. helped a lot too. She worked tirelessly even though she was responsible for a lot of the missionary conference logistics. Thank you guys!

The Frosts with Lisa, and Shirley. Thanks for your help!

Johnson family

Scripture Press friends. McClellands, and J. Morris

Sarah & Emily.

Anyway, because of that, we've got some more pictures of some of you on the blog. Every one of you is part of a team who prays, gives, and supports us in many ways.

People at Wheaton have been asking our plans. We plan to return to Mali in June 09, when this school year finishes. We will join Hilary in Dakar, and then head on to Mali.
We are so looking forward to getting back, but we haven't announced our plans until now because we're waiting for clearance to leave from WorldVenture. We have a bit of support to raise. Please pray with us that God would touch some new people, and maybe 1 new church to join all of us as partners.

As far as medical expenses from this past year goes, God has blessed in such a huge way. The expenses for Lisa's surgeries are all taken care of. There will be some ongoing expenses as the therapy part isn't done, but the main surgical expenses are gone! Thank you.
One expense that is related to this is the air tickets to get back this summer. Some of your churches have had projects to raise money to go towards medical expenses. We explained to the missions committees that the airfare to go back was part of that. While the insurance brought us home, it does not take us back. Airfare to come home at the end of our term was in the budget, but this unexpected leg was ... well .... unexpected.

Anyway praise to God for these great things He has done! Lisa can hear! Bills are minimized!
The kids have had a good school year! Praise Him!

Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Men of Faith?

Hi. We're gearing up for several church visits this spring before we go back to Africa. Next weekend will be FBC Wheaton's missions conference. Looking forward to seeing many friends there. We'll be having an open house Saturday the 21st from 2-4 at the blue house in front of the church if you want to stop by and see us.

Today I spoke to the Junior High sunday school here at South Baptist.

My theme was summarizing Hebrews 11. Who is a man of faith? What are myths about the men & women of faith in the Bible? Myth: they had no doubts. Myth: they found it all to be smooth sailing once they began to serve God. Myth: They had no weaknesses or faults.

Of course we know that is not true. The heroes of the Bible are men of faith, they are heroic. But they all have flaws, faults, doubts. And they all served in spite of diverse challenges and difficulties, many even to death. These guys having flaws encourages me. I am a guy with flaws and limitations. Seeing how God used guys like Abraham, Moses, Gideon, and others encourages me.

I talked to a friend this week who was discouraged about being a missionary because he saw so many others that he considered better equipped than himself. He felt like they had smaller flaws and less doubts than he does. So he was intimidated, even to the point of wondering whether he fits as a missionary. I encouraged him that to be a man of faith means to have faith, certainly, But also it means to act in obedience to God's call in your life. Each hero in Hebrews it states..

By faith ______ acted... in obedience. That is what made them heroes of the faith. In spite of flaws, etc. They obeyed. That means any of us can be a hero as well. By faith, ____ answered Gods call and went to a land far from his home... (That could be Abraham, or it could be Tom & Lisa Seward. Or you...)

I hope my friend was greatly encouraged at the end of our conversation. God knows each of us intimately. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. (By the way, to him our strengths can be weaknesses because we rely on them and not Him.)

God chose us for the tasks He's laid out for our lives! He knows us like no human resources person can!

So be encouraged, Step out in faith, and join the heroes of Hebrews 11.

Thanks for stopping by,

Tom & Lisa

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Mali update!

Hi. Lisa just talked on skype with Pastor Youssouf back in Mali.
He has good news about the literacy camp ministry this year.
(Literacy camp is held in dry season so unoccupied
illagers/farmers can take a concentrated time to advance in studies.)

Last year, we had a small turnout for camp. (or so I thought). We had about 8 guys who came for literacy camp in Kadiolo. I asked Youssouf about it, kind of disappointed. He said, "Oh, you don't know... We have 23 in the village this year, and our other pastor is teaching." So we had actually grown the size of our literacy camp by splitting it up between teachers.

This pic is of Pastor Youssouf, and two of our village pastors.

(All of our pastors including Youssouf accepted Christ through the literacy program. )

So yesterday, in talking about the literacy ministry, Pastor Youssouf reports to Lisa that we had about 16 in Kadiolo, and about 23 students in the village.

Praise God!!

Also, of the 16 in Kadiolo, 3 were m-lim women who came to learn! That is exciting! So Lisa suggested that after the short camp period was over, they could join the women already meeting at our house. We are excited that God is continuing to move, even in our absense.

This pic is some of the women involved in literacy that these new women would join.

Continue to pray that these ministries make an impact for Christ.

Thanks for stopping by

Tom & Lisa

Colorado Part 2

Hi. We had an amazing time at WorldVenture HQ in Colorado. One week of debriefing time with other missionaries also home from their fields. Some we knew from before. Some we just met for the first time. But what a blessing it is to meet people who have shared those overseas experiences where you are the new guy, and don't understand the language or the customs of the local people. We really hit it off with these friends, from Uganda, Ireland, Russia, Romania, Pakistan, and Senegal, and of course, Cote D'Ivoire and Mali.

Us with our new friends Skip & Ruth

The second week we attended the WorldVenture Renewal conference. WorldVenture puts on this annual conference for Missionaries who are home. It is a time of teaching, renewal. This time really was for us as well. We really enjoyed the time.

We did not get enough pictures of us with our new friends. Sorry guys. But I was able to rob a few from here and there...

Update on our departure date. We plan to leave to return to Mali in June 09. That leaves just a few months before we go. (5 months, is it?).
We do have a bit of support to raise before we go. (It seems like there is always some we need to raise.) But God is good, and has supplied our needs so generously! And we are really grateful to partner with you, our partners. Thank you!! for you prayers and support. It means a lot!
Come out and visit! Our little town is an amazing sight!

Thanks for stopping by,
Tom & Lisa Seward